Source code for opendaq.daq

# !/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016
# Ingen10 Ingenieria SL
# This file is part of opendaq.
# opendaq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# opendaq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with opendaq.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import time
import struct
import array
import serial
from threading import Thread
from enum import IntEnum
from .common import check_stream_crc, mkcmd, parse_command, bytes2hex, escape_bytes
from .common import LengthError, CRCError
from .experiment import Trigger, ExpMode, DAQStream, DAQBurst, DAQExternal
from .simulator import DAQSimulator
from .models import DAQModel

BAUDS = 115200

[docs]class LedColor(IntEnum): """Valid LED colors.""" OFF = 0 GREEN = 1 RED = 2 ORANGE = 3
[docs]class DAQ(object): """This class represents an OpenDAQ device.""" def __init__(self, port, debug=False): """Class constructor :param port: Serial port. :param debug: Turn on serial echoing to sdout. """ self.__port = port self.__debug = debug self.__simulate = (port == 'sim') self.__measuring = False self.__gain = 0 self.__pinput = 1 self.__ninput = 0 self.__exp = [] # list of experiments self.__thread = None self.__model =*self.get_info()) self.hw_ver = self.__model.model_str self.fw_ver = self.__model.fw_ver self.__model.load_dac_calib(self.__read_calib_slot) self.__model.load_adc_calib(self.__read_calib_slot) self.clear_experiments()
[docs] def open(self): """Open the serial port.""" if self.__port == 'sim': self.ser = DAQSimulator(self.__port, BAUDS, timeout=1) elif 'simavr' in self.__port: self.ser = serial.Serial(self.__port, BAUDS, timeout=10, rtscts=True, dsrdtr=True) else: self.ser = serial.Serial(self.__port, BAUDS, timeout=1) self.ser.setRTS(0) time.sleep(2)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the serial port.""" self.ser.close()
[docs] def send_command(self, command, ret_fmt=None): """Build a command packet, send it to the openDAQ and process the response. :param command: Command string. :param ret_fmt: Payload format of the response using python 'struct' format characters. I ret_fmt is None, no response is expected. :returns: Command ID and arguments of the response. :raises: LengthError: The legth of the response is not the expected. """ self.ser.write(command) if self.__debug: print("SENT:", bytes2hex(command)) if ret_fmt is None: return fmt = '!BB' + ret_fmt ret_len = 2 + struct.calcsize(fmt) ret = bytearray( if self.__debug: print("RECV:", bytes2hex(ret)) return parse_command(ret, fmt, ret_len)
[docs] def enable_crc(self, on): """Enable/Disable the cyclic redundancy check. :param on: Enable/disable CRC checking (bool). """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.ENABLE_CRC, 'B', int(bool(on))), 'B')[0]
def __read_calib_slot(self, slot): """Read a calibration slot. :param slot_id: Number of the calibration slot. :returns: - Gain raw correction - Offset raw correction :raises: ValueError """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.GET_CALIB, 'B', slot), 'Bhh')[1:] def __write_calib_slot(self, slot_id, gain, offset): """Write a calibration slot. :param slot_id: Number of the calibration slot. :param gain: Gain raw correction (signed 16-bit integer). :param offset: Offset raw correction (signed 16-bit integer). :returns: - Slot number - Gain raw correction - Offset raw correction :raises: ValueError """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SET_CALIB, 'Bhh', slot_id, int(gain), int(offset)), 'Bhh')
[docs] def get_dac_calib(self): """Get the DAC calibration. :returns: List of DAC calibration registers """ return list(self.__model.dac_calib) # return a copy of the list
[docs] def get_adc_calib(self): """Get the ADC calibration. :returns: List of ADC calibration registers """ return list(self.__model.adc_calib) # return a copy of the list
[docs] def set_dac_calib(self, regs): """Set the DAC calibration. :param regs: A list of CalibReg objects. :raises: ValueError, IndexError """ self.__model.write_dac_calib(regs, self.__write_calib_slot)
[docs] def set_adc_calib(self, regs): """Set the ADC calibration. :param regs: A list of CalibReg objects. :raises: ValueError, IndexError """ self.__model.write_adc_calib(regs, self.__write_calib_slot)
[docs] def set_id(self, id): """Identify openDAQ device. :param id: id number of the device [000:999] :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= id < 1000: raise ValueError("id out of range") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.ID_CONFIG, 'I', id), 'BBI')
@property def serial_str(self): return self.__model.serial_str
[docs] def get_info(self): """Read device information. :returns: [hardware_version, firmware_version, device_id] """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.ID_CONFIG, ''), 'BBI')
def __str__(self): return ("Hardware version: %s\n" "Firmware version: %s\n" "Serial number: %s" % (self.__model.model_str, self.__model.fw_ver, self.__model.serial_str))
[docs] def read_eeprom(self, pos): """Read a byte from the EEPROM. :param val: value to write. :param pos: position in memory. :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= pos < 254: raise ValueError("pos out of range") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.EEPROM_READ, 'BB', pos, 1), 'BBB')[2]
[docs] def write_eeprom(self, pos, val): """Write a byte in the EEPROM. :param id: id number of the device [000:999]. :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= pos < 254: raise ValueError("pos out of range") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.EEPROM_WRITE, 'BBB', pos, 1, val), 'BBB')
[docs] def set_dac(self, raw, number=1): """Set DAC output (raw value). Set the raw value of the DAC. "param raw: Raw ADC value. :raises: ValueError """ self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SET_DAC, 'hB', int(round(raw)), number), 'hB')[0]
[docs] def set_analog(self, volts, number=1): """Set DAC output (volts). Set the output voltage of the DAC. :param volts: DAC output value in volts. :raises: ValueError """ self.set_dac(self.__model.volts_to_raw(volts, number - 1), number)
[docs] def read_adc(self): """Read data from ADC and return the raw value. :returns: Raw ADC value. """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.AIN, ''), 'h')[0]
[docs] def read_analog(self): """Read data from ADC in volts. :returns: Voltage value. """ value = self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.AIN, ''), 'h')[0] return self.__model.raw_to_volts(value, self.__gain, self.__pinput, self.__ninput)
[docs] def read_all(self, nsamples=20, gain=0): """Read data from all analog inputs :param nsamples: Number of samples per data point [0-255] (default=20) :param gain: Analog gain (default=1) :returns: Values[0:7]: List of the analog reading on each input """ if self.__model.fw_ver < 120: raise Warning("Function not implemented in this FW. Try updating") values = self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.AIN_ALL, 'BB', nsamples, gain), '8h') return [self.__model.raw_to_volts(v, gain, i, 0) for i, v in enumerate(values)]
[docs] def conf_adc(self, pinput=8, ninput=0, gain=0, nsamples=20): """Configure the analog-to-digital converter. Get the parameters for configure the analog-to-digital converter. :param pinput: Positive input [1:8]. :param ninput: Negative input. :param gain: Analog gain. :param nsamples: Number of samples per data point [0-255). :raises: ValueError """ self.__model.check_adc_settings(pinput, ninput, int(gain)) if not 0 <= nsamples < 256: raise ValueError("samples number out of range") self.__gain = int(gain) self.__pinput = pinput self.__ninput = ninput self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.AIN_CFG, 'BBBB', pinput, ninput, int(gain), nsamples), 'hBBBB')
[docs] def set_led(self, color, number=1): """Choose LED status. LED switch on (green, red or orange) or switch off. :param color: LED color (use :class:`.LedColor`). :raises: ValueError """ if not type(color) is LedColor: raise ValueError("Invalid color value") if not 1 <= number <= self.__model.nleds: raise ValueError("Invalid LED number") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.LED_W, 'BB', color.value, number), 'BB')
[docs] def set_pio(self, number, value): """Write PIO output value. Set the value of the PIO terminal (0: low, 1: high). :param number: PIO number. :param value: digital value (0: low, 1: high) :raises: ValueError """ self.__model.check_pio(number) if value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("digital value out of range") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PIO, 'BB', number, int(bool(value))), 'BB')[1]
[docs] def read_pio(self, number): """Read PIO input value (0: low, 1: high). :param number: PIO number. :returns: Read value. :raises: ValueError """ self.__model.check_pio(number) return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PIO, 'B', number), 'BB')[1]
[docs] def set_pio_dir(self, number, output): """Configure PIO direction. Set the direction of a specific PIO terminal (D1-D6). :param number: PIO number. :param output: PIO direction (0 input, 1 output). :raises: ValueError """ self.__model.check_pio(number) if output not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("PIO direction out of range") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PIO_DIR, 'BB', number, int(bool(output))), 'BB')
[docs] def set_port(self, value): """Write all PIO values. Set the value of all Dx terminals. :param value: Port output byte (bits: 0:low, 1:high). :raises: ValueError """ self.__model.check_port(value) self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PORT, 'B', value), 'B')[0]
[docs] def read_port(self): """Read all PIO values. :returns: Binary value of the port. """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PORT, ''), 'B')[0]
[docs] def set_port_dir(self, output): """Configure all PIOs directions. Set the direction of all D1-D6 terminals. :param output: Port directions byte (bits: 0:input, 1:output). :raises: ValueError """ self.__model.check_port(output) self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PORT_DIR, 'B', output), 'B')
[docs] def spi_config(self, cpol, cpha): """Bit-Bang SPI configure (clock properties). :param cpol: Clock polarity (clock pin state when inactive). :param cpha: Clock phase (leading 0, or trailing 1 edges read). :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= cpol <= 1 or not 0 <= cpha <= 1: raise ValueError("Invalid spisw_config values") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SPISW_CONFIG, 'BB', cpol, cpha), 'BB')
[docs] def spi_setup(self, nbytes, sck=1, mosi=2, miso=3): """Bit-Bang SPI setup (PIO numbers to use). :param nbytes: Number of bytes. :param sck: Clock pin. :param mosi: MOSI pin (master out / slave in). :param miso: MISO pin (master in / slave out). :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= nbytes <= 3: raise ValueError("Invalid number of bytes") if not 1 <= sck <= 6 or not 1 <= mosi <= 6 or not 1 <= miso <= 6: raise ValueError("Invalid spisw_setup values") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SPISW_SETUP, 'BBB', sck, mosi, miso), 'BBB')
[docs] def spi_write(self, value, word=False): """Bit-bang SPI transfer (send+receive) a byte or a word. :param value: Data to send (byte/word to transmit). :param word: send a 2-byte word, instead of a byte. :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= value <= 65535: raise ValueError("Value out of range") if word: ret = self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SPISW_TRANSFER, 'H', value), 'H')[0] else: ret = self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SPISW_TRANSFER, 'B', value), 'B')[0] return ret
[docs] def init_counter(self, edge): """Initialize the edge counter and configure which edge increments the count. :param edge: high-to-low (False) or low-to-high (True). """ self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.COUNTER_INIT, 'B', int(bool(edge))), 'B')[0]
[docs] def get_counter(self, reset): """Get the counter value. :param reset: reset the counter after perform reading (boolean). """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.GET_COUNTER, 'B', int(bool(reset))), 'I')[0]
[docs] def init_capture(self, period): """Start Capture Mode around a given period. :param period: Estimated period of the wave (in microseconds). :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= period <= 2**32: raise ValueError("Period value out of range") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.CAPTURE_INIT, 'I', period), 'I')[0]
[docs] def stop_capture(self): """Stop Capture mode.""" self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.CAPTURE_STOP, ''), '')
[docs] def get_capture(self, mode): """Get Capture reading for the period length. :param mode: Period length (0: Low cycle, 1: High cycle, 2: Full period) :returns: - mode - period: The period length in microseconds :raises: ValueError """ if mode not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("mode value out of range") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.GET_CAPTURE, 'B', mode), 'BI')
[docs] def init_encoder(self, resolution): """Start Encoder function. :param resolution: Maximum number of ticks per round [0:65535]. :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= resolution <= 2**32: raise ValueError("resolution value out of range") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.ENCODER_INIT, 'I', resolution), 'I')[0]
[docs] def get_encoder(self): """Get current encoder relative position. :returns: Position: The actual encoder value. """ return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.GET_ENCODER, ''), 'I')[0]
[docs] def stop_encoder(self): """Stop encoder""" self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.ENCODER_STOP, ''), '')
[docs] def init_pwm(self, duty, period): """Start PWM output with a given period and duty cycle. :param duty: High time of the signal [0:1023](0 always low, 1023 always high). :param period: Period of the signal (microseconds) [0:65535]. :raises: ValueError """ if not 0 <= duty < 1024: raise ValueError("duty value out of range") if not 0 <= period <= 65535: raise ValueError("period value out of range") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PWM_INIT, 'HH', duty, period), 'HH')
[docs] def stop_pwm(self): """Stop PWM""" self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.PWM_STOP, ''), '')
def __trigger_setup(self, number, mode, value): """Change the trigger mode of the DataChannel. :param number: Number of the DataChannel. :param mode: Trigger mode (use :class:`.Trigger`). :param value: Value of the trigger mode. :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") if not type(mode) is Trigger: raise ValueError("Invalid trigger mode") if 1 <= mode <= 6 and value not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("Invalid value of digital trigger") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.TRIGGER_SETUP, 'BBH', number, mode, value), 'BBH')
[docs] def trigger_mode(self, number): """Get the trigger mode of the DataChannel. :param number: Number of the DataChannel. :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") mode = self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.GET_TRIGGER_MODE, 'B', number), 'H')[0] return Trigger(mode)
[docs] def get_state_ch(self, number): """Get state of the DataChannel. :param number: Number of the DataChannel. :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.GET_STATE_CHANNEL, 'B', number), 'H')[0]
def __conf_channel(self, number, mode, pinput=1, ninput=0, gain=1, nsamples=1): """Configure a channel for a generic stream experiment (Stream/External/Burst). :param number: Select a DataChannel number for this experiment :param mode: Define data source or destination (use :class:`.ExpMode`). :param pinput: Select Positive/SE analog input [1:8] :param ninput: Select Negative analog input. :param gain: Select PGA multiplier. :param nsamples: Number of samples to calculate the mean for each point [0:255]. :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") if not type(mode) is ExpMode: raise ValueError("Invalid mode") if mode == ExpMode.ANALOG_IN: self.__model.check_adc_settings(pinput, ninput, int(gain)) if not 0 <= nsamples < 256: raise ValueError("samples number out of range") return self.send_command( mkcmd(CMD.CHANNEL_CFG, 'BBBBBB', number, mode.value, pinput, ninput, int(gain), nsamples), 'BBBBBB') def __setup_channel(self, number, npoints, continuous=False): """Configure the experiment's number of points. :param number: Select a DataChannel number for this experiment. :param npoints: Total number of points for the experiment [0:65536] (0 indicates continuous acquisition). :param continuous: Indicates if the experiment is continuous - False: run once - True: continuous :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") if not 0 <= npoints < 65536: raise ValueError("npoints out of range") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.CHANNEL_SETUP, 'BHb', number, npoints, int(not continuous)), 'BHB')
[docs] def remove_experiment(self, experiment): """Delete a single experiment. :param experiment: reference of the experiment to remove. :raises: ValueError """ nb = experiment.get_parameters()[3] if not 1 <= nb <= 4: raise ValueError("Invalid reference") self.__destroy_channel(nb) for i in range(len(self.__exp))[::-1]: if self.__exp[i].number == nb: del(self.__exp[i])
[docs] def clear_experiments(self): """Delete the whole experiment list.""" for i in range(len(self.__exp))[::-1]: self.__destroy_channel(i + 1) del(self.__exp[i])
def __used_channels(self): """Returns a list of assigned DataChannels. :returns: list of assigned DataChannels. """ return [e.number for e in self.__exp] def __first_available(self): for i in range(1, MAX_CHANNELS + 1): if i not in self.__used_channels(): return i
[docs] def flush_channel(self, number): """Flush the channel. :param number: Number of DataChannel to flush. :returns: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.CHANNEL_FLUSH, 'B', number), 'B')
def __destroy_channel(self, number): """Command firmware to clear a Datachannel structure. :param number: Number of DataChannel structure to clear [0:4] (0: reset all DataChannels) :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.CHANNEL_DESTROY, 'B', number), 'B')[0]
[docs] def create_stream(self, mode, *args, **kwargs): """Create Stream experiment. See the :class:`.DAQStream` class constructor for more info. """ if not type(mode) is ExpMode: raise ValueError("Invalid mode") index = len(self.__exp) if index > 0 and self.__exp[0].__class__ is DAQBurst: raise LengthError("Device is configured for a Burst experiment") if len(self.__used_channels()) == MAX_CHANNELS: raise LengthError("Maximum value of experiments has been reached") if mode == ExpMode.ANALOG_OUT: chan = 4 # DAC_OUTPUT is fixed at DataChannel 4 for i in range(index): if self.__exp[i].number == chan: if type(self.__exp[i]) is DAQStream: self.__exp[i].number = self.__first_available() else: raise ValueError("DataChannel 4 is being used") else: chan = self.__first_available() self.__exp.append(DAQStream(mode, chan, *args, **kwargs)) return self.__exp[index]
def __create_stream(self, number, period): """Send a command to the firmware to create a Stream experiment. :param number: Assign a DataChannel number for this experiment [1:4]. :param period: Period of the stream experiment (ms) [1:65536]. :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") if not 1 <= period <= 65535: raise ValueError("Invalid period") self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.STREAM_CREATE, 'BH', number, period), 'BH')
[docs] def create_external(self, mode, clock_input, *args, **kwargs): """Create External experiment. See the :class:`.DAQExternal` class constructor for more info. """ if not type(mode) is ExpMode: raise ValueError("Invalid mode") index = len(self.__exp) if index > 0 and self.__exp[0].__class__ is DAQBurst: raise LengthError("Device is configured for a Burst experiment") if len(self.__used_channels()) == MAX_CHANNELS: raise LengthError("Maximum value of experiments has been reached") for i in range(index): if self.__exp[i].number == clock_input: if type(self.__exp[i]) is DAQStream: self.__exp[i].number = self.__first_available() else: raise ValueError("Clock_input is being used by another experiment") self.__exp.append(DAQExternal(mode, clock_input, *args, **kwargs)) return self.__exp[index]
def __create_external(self, number, edge): """Send a command to the firmware to create an External experiment. :param number: Assign a DataChannel number for this experiment [1:4]. :param edge: New data on rising (1) or falling (0) edges [0:1]. :raises: ValueError """ if not 1 <= number <= MAX_CHANNELS: raise ValueError("Invalid DataChannel number") if edge not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("Invalid edge") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.EXTERNAL_CREATE, 'BB', number, edge), 'BB')
[docs] def create_burst(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create Burst experiment. See the :class:`.DAQBurst` class constructor for more info. """ if len(self.__exp) > 0: raise LengthError("Only one experiment allowed when using burst") self.__exp.append(DAQBurst(*args, **kwargs)) return self.__exp[0]
def __create_burst(self, period): """Send a command to the firmware to create a Burst experiment. :param period: Period of the burst experiment (microseconds) [100:65535] :raises: ValueError """ if not 100 <= period <= 65535: raise ValueError("Invalid period") return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.BURST_CREATE, 'H', period), 'H') def __load_signal(self, data, offset=0): """Load an array of values in volts to preload DAC output. :raises: LengthError: Invalid dada length. """ if not 1 <= len(data) <= 400: raise LengthError("Invalid data length") self.set_analog(data[0]) values = [self.__model.volts_to_raw(v, 0) for v in data] return self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.SIGNAL_LOAD, 'h%dh' % len(values), offset, *values), 'Bh')
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush internal buffers.""" self.ser.flushInput()
def __read_stream_packet(self): packet = bytearray( _, cmd, size, ch = struct.unpack('!HBBB', packet) if cmd == CMD.STREAM_DATA: body = bytearray( - 1)) body = escape_bytes(body, (0x7d, 0x7e)) if self.__debug: print("STRM:", bytes2hex(packet), bytes2hex(body)) data = struct.unpack('!%dh' % ((size - 4)/2), body[3:]) return ch, data elif cmd == CMD.STREAM_STOP: if self.__debug: print("STRM:", bytes2hex(packet)) return ch, None else: raise IOError("Invalid stream command: %d", cmd) def __read_stream(self): """Generator that reads and parses a stream packet at a time. :returns: (data, channel) - channel: Assigned experiment number. - data: Buffer for data points. """ while True: # wait for a start byte while bytearray([0] != 0x7e: pass # read a packet try: yield self.__read_stream_packet() except EOFError: break @property def is_measuring(self): """True if any experiment is going on.""" return self.__measuring
[docs] def start(self): """Start all available experiments.""" if self.__thread and self.__thread.isAlive(): return # setup the openDAQ for s in self.__exp: if s.__class__ is DAQBurst: self.__create_burst(s.period) elif s.__class__ is DAQStream: self.__create_stream(s.number, s.period) else: self.__create_external(s.number, s.edge) self.__setup_channel(s.number, s.npoints, s.continuous) self.__conf_channel(s.number, s.mode, s.pinput, s.ninput, s.gain, s.nsamples) self.__trigger_setup(s.number, s.trg_mode, s.trg_value) if s.get_mode() == ExpMode.ANALOG_OUT: self.__load_signal(*s.get_preload_data()) break self.__measuring = True self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.STREAM_START, ''), '') self.__thread = Thread(target=self.__run) self.__thread.daemon = True self.__thread.start()
[docs] def stop(self, clear=False): """Stop all running experiments and exit threads. :param clear: If True, the experiment list will be cleared. The experiments will no longer be available. """ if self.__thread and self.__thread.isAlive(): self.send_command(mkcmd(CMD.STREAM_STOP, '')) self.__thread.join() # wait for thread to finish if clear: self.clear_experiments()
def __run(self): """Thread loop. Store the experiment data sent by the device after calling start(). """ used = self.__used_channels() stopped = 0 for ch, data in self.__read_stream(): if data is None: stopped += 1 if stopped == len(used): break else: exp = self.__exp[used.index(ch)] exp.add_points(self.__model.raw_to_volts(data, *exp.get_params())) self.__measuring = False